It is a therapeutic process that harnesses the mind body connection and the healing power of nature. You get to examine where and who you are now and where you want to shift that perspective and reality to. Ultimately this process is future focused. It is an exciting journey of discovery that opens doors to your inner self and doors of opportunity in your external world.
Its time to stop working everything out in your head and combine the power of walking with your intentions. Your body holds a treasure chest of intelligence. When you use movement and mindfulness during the thought process you are accessing a whole new level of perspective and wisdom.
As your coach, I walk beside you and support you on your journey. Taking physical steps with you as you move through this powerful time of transformation. I believe that all the answers you are seeking lie within you and I am there to guide, challenge and encourage you so that these answers come to light and make themselves known to you. With my experience in Nature connection I infuse the sessions with mindfulness exercises that help to free your mind and connect you to a beautiful source of energy. An energy that provides inspiration, motivation and a wonderful sense of awe and gratitude for something much bigger than ourselves.
Its time to reclaim your life path and enjoy the journey. Let me walk by your side and on your side.